All of our chiropractors at The Body Bloom are trained in gentle and modern techniques that are tailored to babies and young children.
What does this involve?
The technique that we use on babies and children is extremely gentle and different to adult Chiropractic. There are no manipulation style adjustments, no "cracking" or large movements. It does not hurt the child and more often than not, the child has no idea he/she has just been adjusted. We have never had a complaint from a parent and many of her referrals come from maternal child health nurses and other health practitioners in the area.
What to expect for your first session?
On your first visit, we will assess your child from head to toe. We will perform measurements, reflex tests and milestone checks to make sure you are in optimal health. This initial appointment will also include hip, heart and lung assessments. Once we is happy with the health status of your child, we will then proceed to check him/her "chiropractically". This involves some simple, slow and gentle movements of the joints of the body to check for flexibility (age appropriate) and symmetrical movement.
If we finds some tightness or restriction in the movement of a particular joint we will first show you, then explain what is happening and exactly how we can assist.
What type of issues do parents bring their children for Chiropractic care?
Flat heads;
Poor feeding on one breast;
Sleeping with head turned to one side only;
Poor latch;
Irritable babies;
Recurrent ear infections;
Poor sleeping;
Crying when placed in their car seat; and,
Failure to reach age appropriate milestones.
What are retained primitive reflexes?
When a child makes his or her entrance into the world, they are born with neonatal reflexes or primitive reflexes. These reflexes are designed to help the infant grow and to thrive. The main function of these reflexes is survival and assists the child in:
The birthing process;
Breastfeeding; and,
As the infant grows and these reflexes become integrated in the brain stem, they help to establish new skills. These include:
Eating solids;
Sitting and standing.
In some cases these primitive reflexes are retained and do not become integrated.
Why children retain these reflexes can be down to a myriad of reasons including:
Foetal positioning;
Premature birth;
Birth injury;
Caesarean section; and,
Chronic ear infections.
Just as the causes vary so do the symptoms. Often it can present as:
An un- settled baby;
Feeding problems; and,
Postural milestones being delayed.
Using specific testing of the primitive reflexes and specific techniques we can assist in the integration of these reflexes, allowing your child to thrive at their full potential